
Friday, November 30, 2012


Just weighed myself..

Down EIGHT pounds guys!

This is just from eating better and not snacking when bored!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's been a minute.

Sorry I haven't been on much!

Work is crazy. We are going though renovationm which is a nightmare right now and we are also having problems with employees.  All I am going to say about that is.. I HOPE and will keep my fingers crossed that I get to be a Supervisor again!(:


Haven't lost too much weight. Currently at 261.

Thanksgiving was good! Got to spend time with my immediate family and my amazing boyfriend. We grills some turkey burgers and bakes fries in the oven. YUM!

I did break and have a soda one day. It was a terrible day at work but I am still drinking water.

I will post as much as possible. like i said.. Life is CrAzY!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012


So I've lost 4lbs this week.

It's not a HUGE difference but you can definitely tell there is one. Right in the middle!!

The thing about me is, if I cut back on eating, control my portions and not drink soda the weight just melts off.

Back in 2010 I needed to get my tonsils taken out. Surgery went okay, longer thn they thought, just because my tonsils were SO infected and were huge. After getting the okay to go home, 4 days after I needed to go to the Emergency room because I was severely dehydrated and I had a really bad infection in the back of my throat.

In the month that I couldn't eat, I lost almost 60 lbs! 

So I know that portion control will work in my favorite, I just need to get it down!

A set back?

So.. today is the birthday of a very special man.. who left my life two years ago.

I am finding it really had to do anything today. I just want to wrap myself in my blanket and sleep all day.

I love you Connor Stevens, and I am glad I have you as my guardian  angel.
Rest in Pace my love.

Happy (what you be) 25th birthday!! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today's work.

Busy day! Spent the day lifting 12 king mattresses and 24 queen mattresses, making 36 beds, hanging 3 sets of drapes in 24 rooms, and bringing rooms back into order. I think I made up for not working out this weekend!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Not doing so good!

I haven't really started my workouts because I am still trying to figure them out.
also.. I was SO bad this weekend and broke my diet. but today is a new day and I am getting back on track.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Still figuring this out!!

So last night we went out to Mimi's Cafe. It was super yummy! Artichoke Asiago Chicken Spaghetti! I'm pretty sure it isn't healthy and the portions are off. :/ but I enjoyed it!

This morning's breakfast!
1 cup of Fiber Plus's honey cluster cereal. 13g of FIBER!!

and a "weight loss" smoothie.
Chai green tea, protein powder, banana, mixed berries milk, and ice.

It's.. okay. I think it's because I've used actually chai and green tea instead of just Chai seeds like it said to use. :/ hopefully it's okay to be eating just chai green tea stuff outta the tea bag..

I am still trying to figure out this whole diet thing. Clearly it was a bad week to start since we had NOTHING healthy in the house. But we are working on it. Everyone is being supportive and it will work out in the end!

Lunch: 2 - 90/10 lean Turkey sausages, plain Greek yogurt mixed with flaxseed and a small amount of Crystle Light's appletini drink mix, and a V8's V-fusion +Energy!

words of advice: if you try the yogurt and drink mix.. use a small small amount, mix it thn taste it. Because it's a bit overwhelming if you get too much!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Shopping spree.

Tonight I bought me a blender.. I am really liking these smoothie recipes I came across and I am excited to try them!
They should be good since I don't eat breakfast and that's the most important meal of the day!

Bought tons of fruits and a couple veggies. Greek yogurt, and healthy snacks!!(:

I am so excited!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's a problem.

This is it.. my biggest problem I have.
I was a caffeine baby, thanks mom! :p
But really.. sometimes I wonder how I could ever live without. Dr.p. is my all time favorite.
I went two days without soda recently and got the worst caffeine headache I've had in a while.. so I've decided that instead of just quitting cold turkey I'm going to ween myself off of it.
I've gone from having two 64oz. cups down to just one 32oz. a day.
Still get a headache but its not bad, I think with drinking more water I will be okay!

Off to a bad start.

So.. the title of this one explains it all.

Definitely off to a bad start here, yesterday I totally skipped breakfast :/ I was running late for work and forgot to grab my cliff bar and a banana. So.. for breakfast and lunch I had crackers from work.. blah!! But hey.. they had peanut butter so I got a little protein.

Drink 2 full 16.9oz bottles of water.

When I was off work I was good and didn't snack on whatever I could find!

Dinner.. it was worse thn skipping breakfast.. leftover pork roast, potatoes, and sooo much cheese.

Thn.. it happened.. probably the biggest problem I have.. eating and snacking after 9. We made a trip to Wal-Mart to get "healthy" snacks.. healthy they were but it was after 9 and I was eating them.

So clearly I problem is food choices. When I get paid Thursday I'm headed to sunflower market to buy fruits and veggies.

Got the work out sorta figured out. During work I'm working oh posture and my legs, for obvious reason I don't do any extreme workouts while at work.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Plan.


Okay.. So after so many times of saying "this is it" or "I am really going to do it" about getting health, losing all that extra weight I have, and being happy, I AM SERIOUS!

I'm done playing games! This is it, people. Jordyn is finally on the way to being the happy, healthy person I have wanted for so long!

Current Weight: 268
Goal Weight: 160
BMI: 44.6

Big goal, I know. But It's what I want and it's about time I get what I want!(:

I've also decided to change some other things about my life. Like; my skin, face (ance), hair, and teeth. With the help of what people have posted on Pinterest I have begun to take better care of my skin and am working on whitening my teeth!

Up next, because my hair isn't the greatest right now.. I am getting extensions, going to stop dying my hair and just do it right.

I AM ready for the new ME!